Age-Based Portfolios:
Sophisticated investing made simple

Don’t think you have the understanding needed to manage your education investment? Consider our Age-Based options. These portfolios align with your child’s start date for higher education or vocational school. As that date approaches, your goal shifts from growing your savings to protecting it. As a result, your mix of stocks and bonds automatically adjusts to become more conservative.

Choose your risk tolerance and we’ll manage your investment to grow more conservative over time.






Medium risk








What’s your comfort with risk? If you’re not comfortable with risk, you may want to consider a Conservative Portfolio. If you’re comfortable with risk, you may want to consider an Aggressive Portfolio. If you’re comfort with risk falls somewhere in between, you may want to consider a Moderate Portfolio.

Child age 0 to 5 years
(more risk/reward)


60% stocks

40% bonds

Child age 6 to 7 years


50% stocks

50% bonds

Child age 8 to 9 years


40% stocks

60% bonds

Child age 10 to 11 years


30% stocks

70% bonds

Child age 12 to 13 years


20% stocks

80% bonds

Child age 14 to 15 years


10% stocks

90% bonds

Child age 16 to 17 years


75% bonds

25% short-term reserves

Child age 18 years


75% bonds

25% short-term reserves

Child age 19 years & up
(less risk/reward)


100% short-term reserves

Child age 0 to 5 years
(more risk/reward)


80% stocks

20% bonds

Child age 6 to 7 years


70% stocks

30% bonds

Child age 8 to 9 years


60% stocks

40% bonds

Child age 10 to 11 years


50% stocks

50% bonds

Child age 12 to 13 years


40% stocks

60% bonds

Child age 14 to 15 years


30% stocks

70% bonds

Child age 16 to 17 years


20% stocks

80% bonds

Child age 18 years


10% stocks

90% bonds

Child age 19 years & up
(less risk/reward)


75% bonds

25% short-term reserves

Child age 0 to 5 years
(more risk/reward)


100% stocks

Child age 6 to 7 years


90% stocks

10% bonds

Child age 8 to 9 years


80% stocks

20% bonds

Child age 10 to 11 years


70% stocks

30% bonds

Child age 12 to 13 years


60% stocks

40% bonds

Child age 14 to 15 years


50% stocks

50% bonds

Child age 16 to 17 years


40% stocks

60% bonds

Child age 18 years


30% stocks

70% bonds

Child age 19 years & up
(less risk/reward)


20% stocks

80% bonds

What’s your comfort with risk?

If you’re not comfortable with risk, you may want to consider a Conservative Portfolio. If you’re comfortable with risk, you may want to consider an Aggressive Portfolio. If you’re comfort with risk falls somewhere in between, you may want to consider a Moderate Portfolio.